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posterior semicircular canal中文是什么意思

用"posterior semicircular canal"造句"posterior semicircular canal"怎么读"posterior semicircular canal" in a sentence


  • 后半规管
  • 后骨半规管


  • 6 . posterior semicircular canal resection could get 15 10mni surgery scope . it could treat cerebellopontine angle lesions and save audition and balance , but could not treat internal acoustic meats lesions
    颗骨内部和桥小脑角区的解剖学研究及其临床应用6 .后半规管切除可以获得约为15xl0 ~的手术操作范围,完全可以处理内听道口附近区域的较小病变。
  • Super - posterior semicircular canal resection s scope is wider than posterior semicircular canal resection and could treat internal acoustic meats lesions too . conclusion : we get the scope of the two different incisions of duramater . study the effect of the sigmoid sinus , jugular bulb and cerebellopontine angle area to retrolabyrinthine approach surgery
用"posterior semicircular canal"造句  


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